A Fandango in Florida!

A Fandango in Florida!

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The Christ’s church Academy Band under the direction of recogniced Mr. Lee Ponder -recently selected for the Florida Band Directors Hall of Fame- will be performing for the very first time in America the composition for solo tenor saxophone and band Urban Concert Op.60 by Pérez Garrido. Furthermore, the concert will have the world premiere of the last band work by Javier entitled Fandango in Florida!. Pérez Garrido will travel to the US to stay with the band during this exciting event that will be held next May 11th 2020.

The Christ’s church Academy Band is made up of students in grades six through twelve. Some of them have been selected to perform with the Florida All State Band, the Florida All State Orchestra, the Jacksonville Youth Symphony, the All District Band, etc. In the last ten years over $1,000,000.00 in scholarship money has been awarded to graduating members of the Christ’s Church Academy Band. The soloist of the concert, Miss Putzke, has recently been awarded a scholarship to Jacksonville University totaling $190,000.00.


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