"A Trip to Spain" gives a warm welcome to the Costa Fascinosa cruise ship

"A Trip to Spain" gives a warm welcome to the Costa Fascinosa cruise ship

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Recently, Javier Pérez Garrido's composition "A Trip to Spain" resonated with vitality to welcome one of the most prominent cruise ships sailing the Mediterranean.

During the arrival of the Costa Fascinosa to the port of Cartagena, the Unión Musical Santa Cruz de Abanilla offered a warm musical welcome to more than 3,600 travelers.

This event gave visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in Spanish culture through a musical suite that fuses melodies inspired by traditional styles such as sevillanas, chotis, sardana, pasodoble, and others. The concert, created to celebrate cultural diversity, intertwined melodies from different countries with works from the rich Murcian heritage, including pieces such as "Suspiros España".

Would you like to perform "A Trip to Spain" with your band? Request the sheet music by sending an email to !

Explore this musical composition and listen to it here!


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